Rebels gain ground in Northern Syria

2013-08-28 453

Rebel forces unleash their firepower in Northern Syria.

They target a town in Aleppo province, that sits on the government supply route connecting the northern province to central parts of the country.

They make victory signs as survey a damaged building, in an assault that killed more than 50 pro government fighters.

Rights groups say the rebel gain will leave government forces besieged in Aleppo province. The move hampers options for President Bashar al -Assad's forces for counterattacks against rebel held territory in northern Syria along the Turkish border.

The video, which can not be independently verified by Reuters shows a roomful of weapons now in rebel hands.

Western powers are now considering action against the Syrian state -- following the apparent use of chemical weapons on civilians last week. The government denies any such use.

The conflict in Syria began more than two years ago and has claimed the lives of at least 100,000 people.