Bollywood's chirpy actress, Parineeti Chopra seems to be quite open about her viewpoints, in public. Recently, the actress visited the famous dance reality show on colors, Jhalak Dikhla Jaa 6, to promote her upcoming flick, Shuddh Desi Romance, along with co-actor, Sushant Singh Rajput. Having sat through all the performances by the celebrity contestants on the show, Parineeti was favored all praise for singer Shaan's tapori style act and couldn't resist but shower all the love for this singer turned dancer. Adding on, Parineeti not only commented on his performance but further claimed by saying that Shaan was a commendable singer, then a dancer and now with this remarkable act through dancing, she would love romancing Shaan on big screen, with the unconfirmed sequel of Shuddh Desi Romance. Well, seems like Shaan is becoming an eye candy for most of them now!