Moderner Warfare The Game Show #225

2013-08-26 161

This week your hosts Nikole Zivalich, Jim Festante and David Guida talk Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Combo news included: Pricing rumors for Project Natal start to appear. Gaming retailers break Modern Warfare 2's street date. Demos of Trails HD are leaked onto torrent sites. The Star Trek MMO gets a launch date. Street Fighter now has a Snuggie. EA undergoes massive layoffs. Game of the Week was Modern Warfare 2. Does record breaking sales translate into a solid gaming experience? Top 7 was The Top 7 way to make your game controversial. Stick around for Pacmobelia. We gave out FIVE tokens to win the XBox 360 during the grand prize drawing at the end of the month. Watch live for your chance to win a token too! Just follow us on Twitter at: - (This episode has been edited down for timing.) This series is available on iTunes! Click here to subscribe! Executive Producer/Director BRIAN GRAMO :Host/Producer JIM FESTANTE: Host/Producer NIKOLE ZIVALICH : Host/Producer DAVID GUIDA : Editor BRIAN GRAMO : Assistant Editors NIKOLE ZIVALICH/CHLOE BEARCE