DeStorm talks about rapping while skydiving on the Real Cool Club

2013-08-25 17

Click to Sub: On the last episode of The Real Cool Club, Lindsay took challenges from our live interactive audience and here's what happened when our guest DeStorm talks about rapping while skydiving LIVE INTERACTIVE SHOWS every TUESDAY at 8PM PST DeStorm Power ( is on the show look awesome and to show Lindsay and Ethan how it's really done. From rapping to running DeStorm is owner of the world. In addition, we talk about William Shatner, Vlatimir Putin, Rebecca Black, and Harry Potter. We take a look at twitter and DeStorm tells you all to SHUT UP. Lindsay eats a hamburger while Ethan and DeStorm race around the building. We talk about our new clothing partner Jinx. Visit them at We pick a Photochop shop winner and give them a chance to win an Xbox 360 AND $15 towards stuff and we give a runner up $15 for Jinx too! You can enter every week for YOUR chance to win! Don't forget to leave a comment on any of our archived shows for another chance to win $30 in Jinx stuff at the end of the month. Watch every week and interact with us and our guests! ? CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE! THE REAL COOL CLUB: ? MAIN: ?? SECOND: ?? FITNESS: ?? WEBSITE: ??http://THEREALCOOLCLUB.COM?? FACEBOOK: ?? TWITTER: ??