Recently the megastar Amitabh Bachchan bumped himself with a YouTube video that shows he is endorsing the popular BJP leader Narendra Modi as the next Prime Minister of India. He immediately took twitter and showered his easiness by getting angry.
Bachchan said that someone had taken the voiceover he provided for a video in 2007 and used it with a different set of images to create a clip where it seemed that he was endorsing Modi
The actor added that he had indeed alerted authorities about the video and would initiate action against the person who had created the fake video and uploaded it on the social networking platform.
Big B immediately got support from his fans on Twitter and YouTube, after he slammed the fake video. His tweets about the video were retweeted several hundred times. On YouTube, the video has been down-voted by fans of Bachchan and many users wrote in comments that the video should be removed by YouTube.
Well, we wonder what Shri Narendra Modi has to say about this!