Futurama Writer/Co-Executive Producer Patric Verrone

2013-08-23 102

Patric Verrone is a writer/ co-exectuive producer of the animated show Futurama. He is a Writers Guild of Amrica West board member running for president in September and Net Neutrality advocate. Verrone will be going to Comic Con this weekend and unveiled an exclusive never before seen clip of Futurama on Filmnut prior to the con! This episode is shot a new and different way then the usual shows so fans don't want to miss this. We also got into Futurama past and present, at FOX and now at Comedy Central. Also the differneces between their episodes and the DVD movies they made. We touched on Net Neutrality, something we covered in greater depth in Filmnut episode #228 which I strongly encourage net users to watch here: http://www.thestream.tv/watch.php?v=856 Patric brought some fun little props with him to the interview that made for nice show and tell.