Akshay Kumar and Shahrukh Khan are yet again at their much hyped war based on recent releases, 'Once Upon A Time In Mumbai Dobaara' and 'Chennai Express', respectively. With several miffed stories already on board, recent grapevine has it that Akshay was very upset with Shah Rukh Khan's Chennai Express song being played on a reality show where he went to promote his film 'OUATIMD'. Apparently, if sources are to be believed, during the grand-finale episode of a Television dance reality show, one of the groups performed on a song from Chennai Express which further irked Akshay to such an extent that he couldn't hold on to his seat and is believed to have also created a ruckus on the sets of the show. Well, having heard this, SRK-Akshay's rivalry doesn't seem to bury its seeds, anytime soon!