8oom women final and 3jump final - World Championships Moscow 2013

2013-08-18 33

English: Two in one moments of antology; a must see...

The the dramatic 800m women final and - Teddy Tango's fantastic 18.04m in triple-jump...WOOOOOOW!!! Two

Intense moments share with his new coach the GREAT CUBAN - ATHLET IVAN PEDROSO

Doua intr-unul - momente de antologie la Moscova!!! Trebuie vazut

Finala dramatica de la 800 de m femei si fantasticul 18.04m (a 3-a performanta mondiala in istorie) ai francezului Teddy Tango. Marian Oprea a venit pe 6.

Momente emotionante cu noul sau antrenor, marele atlet cuban IVAN PEDROSO