.This term often applies to calls while using voice over Internet protocol (VoIP): a call initiated as a VoIP call is terminated using the public switched telephone network (PSTN). In such cases, termination services may be sold as a separate commodity. The opposite of call termination is call origination, in which a call initiated from the PSTN is terminated using VoIP. Thus, in "origination" a call originates from PSTN and goes to VoIP, while in "termination" a call originates in VoIP and terminates to the PSTN.VoIP call termination is a word that is fast spreading across the globe among all age groups—from individuals to small businesses to corporations and enterprises. It simply means providing a path or route through which voice can be transmitted or sent over Internet.There are many providers which offer VoIP call termination services. For instance, a tier-1 operator registered and having a physical international network in the country has the right to originate and terminate a call using Internet telephony services.[citation needed]In order to provide voice over IP call termination services, a tier 2 operator can initiate call termination over the Internet by leasing a portion of network from a tier 1 operator.Similarly there are tier 3 operators who can lease network services from both tier 1 and tier 2 service providers. It saves tier 2 and tier 3 operators much of the cost of infrastructure and registration. infrastructure like routers which need a substantial investment to be incurred are taken care of by tier 1 operators. Besides them, there are wholesale call termination providers and resellers of voice over IP telephony which also offer similar termination facilities.