Male Gay Parents Offered Breast-Feeding Service

2013-08-08 24

A 29-year old nurse is offering breastfeeding services to gay couples in France.

A 29-year old nurse is offering breastfeeding services to male gay couples in France.

The young mother who is in self-proclaimed perfect health guarantees up to 10 feedings a day and will travel to do so onsite.

She’s asking about 130 dollars a day and has been advertising on a French website that specializes in offering any service that’s legal.

According to the site’s founder, they’re confident that this one is. He said, "Our legal advisers are sure of this. It's illegal in France to sell maternal milk but this is a person proposing a service, not selling the milk in flasks."

The woman who placed the ad said she’s gotten several responses, and about half of them are legit. The rest, according to her, came from perverts.

The ad is listed in the feeding subcategory of the baby section, along with high chairs and breast pumps.

The offer comes just after the country legalized same-sex marriage. Adoption is also allowed by the government, but surrogates and assisted reproduction are still prohibited for use by gay couples.