Recently, the City of Johannesburg posted a disconnection notice on the door of Nelson Mandela’s upscale home. Shortly after they apologized for the mistake.
Recently, the City of Johannesburg posted a disconnection notice on the door of Nelson Mandela’s upscale home.
According to the paper, unless Mandela paid the nearly 660 dollars allegedly past due he would lose his electricity.
It also said that if the 30-day past due amount wasn’t paid in full, legal action may be pursued.
Not long after, the city issued an apology to the man as the notice was hung in error.
It was supposed to be delivered to a house in a completely different suburb.
Not to mention that Nelson Mandela has spent the last months hospitalized for a lung infection, a stay that’s been highly publicized.
Clearly receiving an erroneous bill is far from the greatest hardship the advocate for world peace has endured.
Regardless, it was nice for the city to acknowledge its error.
The mistake was apparently one in a long, and sometimes embarrassing, line of them.
Reportedly, they made a similarly incorrect delivery to the headquarters of the African National Congress. That one was for nearly 350 thousand dollars.