إنفجار قنبلة في معبد إكايانا في جاكرتا إندونيسيا المحققون يزعمون ان الجناة هم من الروهنجيا - Temple bomb Ekayana - Investigators alleged perpetrators Rohingya

2013-08-06 152

Temple bomb Ekayana - Investigators alleged perpetrators Rohingya
Police Secure Provocative slab inscribed on Temple Bomb Ekayana
There is a provocative article on the bomb that exploded at the plate Ekayana Graha Temple, Jalan Mangga II, Duri Kepa, Kebun Orange, West Jakarta. Currently the bomb slab have been secured police for more in-depth examination.
"Yes and no writing directly secured officer," said a member of the Criminal Police Unit Kebun Orange, West Jakarta, Monday (05/08/2013).

Members of the police did not mention the sound of the text. He explained that the article related to an incident that occurred abroad.
"It was an expression of a group associated with the events that occurred in foreign countries," Sympathizers katanya.duga Rohingya