Metal Measuring Spoons Reviews - How to Select

2013-08-03 49 WittyCuisiner Stainless Steel Measuring Spoon Set Reviews

Here are what our customers are saying about WittyCuisiner Stainless Steel Measuring Spoons

"best measuring spoon set that I had ever had! The stainless steel is pretty thick & sturdy" - Jennifer L.

"I really like that it has both U.S. tablespoon and Metric volume equivalents. Good for international recipes" by dc23

"These spoons are perfect for what I need" - David Bay

WMP says, "I absolutely love the silicone grips on the handle as it makes it easier to hold especially when dealing with measuring messy liquids" and "the silicone handles help keeping the spoons from slipping!"

How about a large sturdy metal ring to put spoons together? Ken from New York says, "there is a metal ring to put all spoons together, this is what we love the most!" and "the large ring keeps everything stored in one place and allows me to hook it on a wall rack as well."

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