Family Returns From Vacation to Find Squatters in Their Home

2013-08-03 190

A family in Barrington, Rhode Island got an unwanted surprise after returning home from a week-long vacation. The Woodards walked through the house and instantly realized that squatters had taken over while they were away.

A family in Barrington, Rhode Island got an unwanted surprise after returning home from a week-long vacation. The Woodards walked through the house and realized that squatters had taken over while they were away.

Blankets and wet towels had been strewn around the house.

Doors had been broken right off the hinges and thrown into the family’s pool along with a knife. Personal belongings from drawers were rifled through and cash along with alcohol was missing.

One of the squatters left behind a pair of underwear. Condom wrappers and marijuana were also found in the house.

They went so far as to tape blankets over glass doors so neighbors wouldn’t be able to see what was going on inside.

The homeowner, Tracy Woodard stated “You don't realize how much you feel violated until you start walking through your house and you don't know what's been touched and what's been used. Has my bed been slept in? Has my toothbrush been used.”

Police are currently investigating but Tracy believes her son’s teenage friends may be to blame, especially since they knew the family was going to be away.