Bird Detained on Suspicion of Spying Released

2013-08-01 2

Turkish officials cleared and released a bird they had suspected of being on an Israeli spy mission.

Not everyone thinks birds are cute and cuddly.

Turkish officials cleared and released a bird they had suspected of being on an Israeli spy mission.

The small kestrel was first spotted by residents of a village in the Elazig province.

They grew suspicious of its intentions when they noticed a small metal band around one of its legs. Upon closer inspection the tag revealed the bird’s origin was Israel.

Villagers alerted local government officials who in turn sent the bird to Firat University for testing.

The university registered the kestrel as an 'Israeli spy' and proceeded to search it for surveillance apparatus.

Among the items they looked for were microchips and bugging devices.

Extensive x-rays showed nothing out of the ordinary, and the bird was set free.

It turns out that the bird had been tagged by the University of Tel Aviv as part of a migratory research project.

Last year a dead bee-eater bird also wearing a metal ring stamped with an Israeli ID was found in Gaziantep. It was delivered to authorities for further examination.