Indian Military Mistakes Jupiter and Venus for Enemy Drones in the Sky

2013-07-30 3

Military operatives working on the border of India reportedly mistook the planets Jupiter and Venus in the night sky for spy drones from China.

Military operatives working on the border of India reportedly mistook the planets Jupiter and Venus in the night sky for spy drones from China.

Indian troops stationed on the border region reported 329 sightings of UFOs over a lake that is on the border shared by India and Tibet.

The army contacted the Indian Institute of Astrophysics to help them figure out what the objects in the sky above the lake were.

It turns out that what they thought were Chinese military surveillance drones were actually far away planets lighting up the night sky.

The Himalayan border between India and China in Eastern Ladakh is heavily disputed, and historically it served as the location for the India-China War in 1962.

In April of 2013, India accused Chinese military troops of building a camp on the wrong side of the Line of Actual Control, known as the LAC.

In the past ten years, with the advent of unmanned military surveillance technology, both India and China have been spying on each other and there have reportedly been 500 incidents of transgressions between the two countries during the time from 2010 to 2012.

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