Rubber Boots Save Fisherman Who Was Stranded at Sea

2013-07-30 109

John Aldridge recently spent 12 hours stranded in the waters of the Atlantic ocean. One of the ways he survived was using his rubber boots as buoys.

Sometimes the most basic thing can help save a life. John Aldridge is one man who knows this.

He recently spent 12 hours stranded in the rough waters of the Atlantic ocean. One of the ways he survived was by using his rubber boots as buoys.

Aldridge is an experienced fisherman, however he fell from a boat into the ocean. He had been trying to move a cooler when the handle broke off. That sent him over the back of the 44 foot ship.

Unfortunately, he was not wearing a life jacket. He only had his boots, the t shirt on his back, shorts and a knife.

Stranded in the water, he was contemplating how he would survive. He immediately took his boots off and used them as floatation devices. The next step was to keep a positive attitude and hope for the best.

The Coast Guard eventually spotted Aldridge and sent both air and water assistance to rescue him.

Aldridge reflected back on the incident stating “These boots saved my life. I put one under each arm and I said, 'I'm going to live. I can do this.”

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