Kung Fu Strike - The Warrior’s Rise

2013-07-30 1

This is an epic kung fu game that I discovered while I was looking form some fun fighting games for PC to play since there aren’t that many, but there are still some out there as you can see. I had thought at first that maybe I probably knew all there is to know about these types of quality games released to the platform, but it’s a good thing that I didn’t just assume that I knew about most of the really good fighting games already and so there was really no need to look-up anything since I probably won’t find anything note worthy because if I did, and figured that it was a waste of time, I wouldn’t have discovered this absolutely crazy action game that apparently got released on PC last year in 2012.
It’s an indie title that somehow slipped under my radar, but obviously me being me, I guess it was only a matter of time before my fun nature brought me to this fantastic find!. I played around with it a little and it ROCKS. So watch and enjoy and I put on a short but spectacular demonstration of masterful action, as always :P

Also check the game out if you like it, especially if you game on PC because the platform can definitely use more awesome games like this!.