Disabilty discrimination from ATOS Healthcare in Romford

2013-07-25 2

Reposting this. Thanks to the original uploader.

Description by original uploader:

A short video (my phone ran out of space!) showing an argument I had with ATOS staff at the Romford medial assessment centre after they discriminated against me due to my disability.

I had an appointment for my ESA application. I knew beforehand that I could only attend in my wheelchair if, in the event of a fire, I could use the stairs to evacuate the building. I was fine with this as I could have help from my Mum (who accompanied me) to do so.

When I was called for my appointment by the medical assessor (from the waiting room) I was told that I could not go through the door leading to the assessment rooms in my wheelchair - I would have to walk.

I asked why this was but did not receive an explanation except for mentions of 'health and safety'.

Due to their actions they did not assess me, only doing so due to the fact that I was in a wheelchair - which alleviates some of the symptoms of my disability (CFS/ME).

In doing so they broke the law - 2010 Equality Act - to which they did not seem to find a problem with.