Scientists Try to Understand Motion Faster Than the Speed of Light

2013-07-25 81

Spaceships traveling at warp speed are something out of science fiction, but scientists are working towards understanding how it might be possible.

Einstein believed that nothing moves faster than the speed of light.
Spaceships traveling at warp speed are something out of science fiction, but scientists are working towards understanding how it might be possible.

NASA engineers have been working on a way to determine if it is possible for energy to move faster than the speed of light.

By attempting to warp the trajectory of a moving photon, and change how far it can travel in a certain area, scientists are trying to create a model for interstellar warp speed travel.

They are measuring the photon movement using an instrument called an interferometer, which is so sensitive it needs to be operated in a floating lab that is not affected by the slight vibrations of the Earth.

There has been previous research into the possibility of exceeding the speed of light.

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics chose Astrophysicist Eric Davis’ paper entitled "Faster-Than-Light Space Warps, Status and Next Steps" to receive the 2013 Best Paper Award for Nuclear and Future Flight Propulsion.
