US Military Drops Bombs Near Australia's Great Barrier Reef

2013-07-24 160

Two United States Military aircrafts have reportedly dropped four bombs near Australia’s Great Barrier Reef in an emergency tactical incident.

Two United States Military aircrafts have reportedly dropped four bombs near Australia’s Great Barrier Reef in an emergency tactical incident.
The AV-8B Harrier jets were supposed to drop the bombs on an island range off the coast during a joint Australian and US training exercise, but instead the mission was called to abort when civilian boats were spotted in the waters.

The aircrafts were low on fuel so they could not land with the bombs still onboard.

According to US Navy reports, two inert and two unarmed bombs were discharged into over 165 feet of water that was away from coral, so that they would cause minimal damage to the World Heritage Site.

The bombs did not explode and according to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, they do not pose a future threat to boats or the environment.

Seventh Fleet spokesman Lieutenant David Levy said: “If the Great Barrier Reef park service and the government agencies of Australia determine that they want those recovered, then we will coordinate with them on that recovery process.”

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest network of coral structures in the world, and is over 18 hundred miles long on the northeast coast of Australia.

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