Wealthy Man Installed Aquarium Fence Around His Villa

2013-07-23 16

An extremely successful and wealthy businessman in Turkey has created potentially the most awesome fence in the world. In 2005, he replaced the metal fence which was located at the front of his yard with an aquarium that stretches across the property.

Putting up a standard metal or wooden fence is not only somewhat expensive, but rather drab in terms of design.

A wealthy businessman in Turkey has created one of the most innovative fences in the world.

In 2005, he replaced the metal fence which was located at the front of his yard with an aquarium that stretches across the property. The man’s extensive villa rests right behind the aquarium, towering over it. The water filled fence stretches 164 feet across the yard.

The aquarium is home to over 1,000 fish. Sea bream, eels and octopus also dwell in the makeshift fence. The home is located mere feet away from the Aegean Sea.

Adding to the design wonder, the clear aqua fence is actually linked to the sea, which helps to keep the tank clean. The aquarium has become a major tourist attraction in the area.

According to the owner of the property, approximately 1,000 visitors stop each day to see the unique fence.

What do you think? Do you like the fence?