Kareena Kapoor agreed to go intimate with her co-star Emraan Hashmi in a romantic drama to be produced by Ekta Kapoor's Balaji Motion Pictures and Karan Johar's Dharma Productions. At first, Bebo had inhibitions to do the intimate scene with Emraan but later she has given her nod. The makers are really happy to get the green signal from Kareena Kapoor. Ekta did not expect that Kareena will give her nod which she finally does. The actress, who has been comfortable with on-screen kissing, surprised filmmakers by giving her consent to the intimate scene in her next film with Hashmi. This will be the first time Kareena will get intimate with a co-star since her marriage to Saif Ali Khan last October. Read more bollywood Actor/Actress/Movie/Music Launch/Promotions/Release/Reviews/Songs/Box office collection/Gossips news: http://janoduniya.tv/bollywood