Overweight Dubai Bribes Citizens With Gold to Drop Pounds

2013-07-20 247

Dubai’s got a weight problem, and United Arab Emirates officials have decided to give their citizens a gram of gold for every two kilos of weight loss, which comes out to about 20 dollars a pound.

Dubai’s got a weight problem, and United Arab Emirates officials have decided to pay their citizens to do something about it.

The “Worth Your Weight in Gold” program they’ve launched is promising a gram of gold for every kilogram of weight loss, which comes out to about 20 dollars a pound.

As the country has the world’s fifteenth highest GDP per capita – about 50 thousand dollars – some wonder if that’s enough incentive to get UAE citizens to lose the weight.

The government is certainly hoping so, as over 50 percent of the country’s population is overweight or obese. Instances of diabetes are also on the rise.

In addition to the per-kilo payout, people who lose the most during the event’s month-long duration are eligible to win an extra 5,000.

Dieters aren’t expected to go it alone – there will be health care professionals with weight loss advice available for consult.

The onset of obesity is said to be a result of increased access to fast food and the reality that outdoor activities aren’t popular in the country’s searing desert climate.

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