This outfit was only used for a few sides waxed in 1927. The Red Hot Jazz site states: "These titles provide extremely good examples of the sympathetic co-operation between Johnny Dodds and Natty Dominique, whose trumpet style blends so fittingly with the gay light-heartedness of Dodds clarinet work. Oriental Man is a thinly disguised version of Love's Old Sweet Song, in which there are delightful variations around the theme in low register by Dodds, and then a fairly straight statement which shows the two musicians in a puckish mood. The same line-up was used for Cootie Stomp and The Weary Way Blues in August of 1927 under the name of the State Street Ramblers.". Exact personnel was: Natty Dominique, c; Johnny Dodds, cl; Jimmy Blythe, as well as Baby Dodds, d and wb.