Funniest Sex, Pregnancy Questions on the Internet

2013-07-19 946

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PORNOGRAPHY: Please post pictures and video?
Make sure their fully naked girls only and it can be hentai or real life.
My parents blocked a bunch of stuff using child safe and I cant look up anything.

How is babby formed how is babby formed? how girl get pregnant?
how is babby formed?
how girl get pragnent?

Men and women-when was the last time you had a erection?

My girlfriend is pregnant and we didn't have sex.?
how did this happen?

Is it ok to touch yourself when you hear your parents have sex?
I know it may sound weird, but my parents are still pretty young and have very loud sex and sometimes late at night I can hear them and I cant help but touch myself. Is this bad or is it something other people have done too?

Why are babies so ugly when they are born?
Why are new born babies so ugly, and why do people always pretend like they're so cute?

Why are 13 years olds sex addicts?
is it that good

Why is my sperm so powerful?
I've only been with my girlfriend for about 4 weeks, but the doctor said she is 4 months pregnant.

I caught my son having sex with a guy and I think he might be gay. Is there a definitive way I can tell?
This could be a phase. Is there some way I could find out if he's really gay? He's only 19.

Can your baby get pregnant if you have sex while pregnant?
Like the baby is a girl, and you have sex and the sperm gooes to her while in the womb

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