The South Africa India Film and Television Awards (SAIFTA) by Celebrity Locker debuted in Mumbai with an exclusive curtain raiser ceremony. The attending mumbaikars were in for a treat as the arc lights of the award event shone bright at the Taj Lands End Bandra. SAIFTA is an annual event with the aim of creating a never before seen cultural exchange of the Indian and South African entertainment industry while rewarding outstanding performers and will take place in Durban on September 6, 2013 with a host of South African and Indian dignitaries.
John Abraham, Waheeda Rehman, Manoj Bajpai, Sanjay Gupta, Suniel Shetty, Apoorva Lakhia, Apurva and Shilpa Agnihotri, Mukesh Bhatt, Mr. Sadha Naidoo, Board Chairperson, Tourism KwaZulu-Natal, Ms. Neliswe Dlamini, Project Manager DEDT attended the curtain raiser press conference of SAIFTA.