Modi, who has been fighting hard to erase the taint of the 2002 communal riots, was recently elevated as chief of the BJP's Election Campaign Committee and his greetings to the Muslims is being seen as part of his image makeover ahead of the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday greeted the Muslims at the beginning of the holy month of Ramzan, a move that invited criticism from the Congress, which said," they will do anything to get votes". "Happy Ramzan. May this holy month bring joy, peace and prosperity in our lives," Modi wrote on his twitter account, extending warm greetings to the Muslims. Shiv Sena president Uddhav Thakreay in the party mouthpiece "Saamana" wrote that" Kahen Modi Bhaijaan, Mubarak Ho Ramzan". But at very next day in other news paper, Reuters interview Narendra Modi told that: "I'm a Hindu nationalist, patriotic." Read more news: