Humane Society Offering Reward After Dog Killed by Fireworks

2013-07-16 1

The Humane Society of the United States is now offering a reward following a disturbing incident involving a young dog. On July 5th, someone in Indiana threw a lit firework at a female pit-bull.

There are far too many reports of animal abuse and the culprits often get away with it.

The Humane Society of the United States is now offering a reward following a disturbing incident involving a young dog.

On July 5th, someone in Indiana threw a lit firework at a female pit-bull. Unfortunately she picked up the piece and it exploded in her mouth.

The canine’s face was so badly injured that veterinarians were forced to euthanize her. It is thought the dog was less than a year old.

A $5,000 reward has been offered to find and subsequently convict the culprits responsible for the act. The state director of the Human Society stated “This defenseless puppy suffered a terrifying and painful death, and there is absolutely no excuse for such a depraved act of cruelty. We hope that this reward will bring forward anyone with information about this heinous crime."

The incident occurred on South Main Street in Elkhart. According to witnesses, children were spotted tossing fireworks towards the animal. Police are continuing their investigation into the case.