Tv9 Gujarat - Poverty Prompts Woman in Haryana to sell her unborn child

2013-07-15 27

In Hayryana poverty has led a mother to sell her unborn baby. Mamta, a house wife and already mother of three children is eight month pregnant with her fourth child. Her husband hauls a rickshaw and she claims that money earned is not suffice to feed their children. While interacting with Media Mamta said that she even dont has flour to cook roti. She says that she took the step for the better future of her three children. She released advertisement in local newspaper for auctioning her unborn baby after that hundreds of people have expressed their desire to buy the unborn child.

However an NGO is completely against this type adoption. According to her as per adoption law it is illegal to give advertisement for auction of child. She added that if one can not take care of the child, they have no right to produce. NGO has filed complaint against Mamta in police station.