Modern Warfare 2 Rap: Unfair Warfare

2013-07-14 3

This is a joke, none of us can rap whatsoever =P
We hate the little shits that make this game suck, so here is our homage to it.


I hop on Call of Duty
Every friday night
Don't know what to expect
Will this be a camping site?
No prestige british squeekers screaming in my ear
Holy shit, calm down,
This isn't the Jo Bros premier.

Dazzle capture card records With piss poor quality. Really wish I had a Hauppage with their superiority. Those obnoxious Akimbo Models always make me rage quit, What ever happened to that patch? It didn't do shit.

Ground War on High Rise
To the triple spot
Thermal Scope on my Barrett
Quad head shot
Top Notch Multimedia
Yes I'm fucking God
Top 5 Plays Number 1
Operator Perry scream Quad

People need to realize
Theres more then the ACR
Yes, I know its good
But then so is the ACOG Scar
Heart-Beat, Silenced, Cold-Blooded Tar
No matter how hard you try
You cant be a Pub-Star

There are some good things
I'll give the game that
except when i shoot you in the face
from 20 yards back
lulz that tickles
as i hit you with multiple blows
Oh shit i forgot
my barrett shoots marshmallows

Posesses more fanboys then Grizz
Tac Knife whores
Oh my god, it makes me jizz.
Please lord make it stop
I've had my fair share
Oh shit whats that?
An AC130 in the air

Little bitch finds you
You're hoping you can stop her
Oh my god, one more kill,
YES, I got my chopper!
Jacking off in the corner
Tac Nuke going off
Boosting kills with your boyfriend
Cough You're adopted cough.

Thats it I quit
There's nothing more to say
I'm done playing this aweful game
Til the problems go away
Someone spread the word
Make SeaNanners take a stand
Get that legend on the podium
Give 402 a backhand