Super House of Dead Ninjas review. Shop CGR shirts & mugs! Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow review of Super House of Dead Ninjas for PC developed by Megadev and published by Adult Swim games. Super House of Dead Ninjas is, of course, super. And back in the early '90s, that word meant that you were in for envleope-pushing 16 bit action. Of course, in the present day that's a little less of an established connotation, but it certainly holds true: Super House of Dead Ninjas plays like a frantic, action-packed romp through an endless succession of floors of a giant sword castle thing, punctuated by boss battles and managed by unlocking and utiilizng new weapons like nunchaku, shuriken, and so forth. This video review features video gameplay footage of Super House of Dead Ninjas for PC and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's TJ.