Other Duke and Duchess move London Tussauds home

2013-07-12 16

A recent addition to the family and have just moved house?

Don't let their life-likeness fool you, it's just the figures of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge that have taken up a new residence within Madame Tussauds in London.

They've been moved to a new garden party setting, complete with cake and bunting.

Nicole Fenner is PR manager at Madame Tussauds.

SOUNDBITE: Madame Tussauds PR Manager, Nicole Fenner, saying (English):

"With any royal news our figures become extremely popular, and with the arrival of a royal baby I'm sure that Kate and Wills will be the top priority when guests come here and visit us."

With interest going up though, some have questioned why Kate shows no signs of, well, showing.

SOUNDBITE: Madame Tussauds PR Manager, Nicole Fenner, saying (English):

"Who knows, we may redress Kate in the future, but we would certainly never put a baby bump on our figure."

Princes William and Harry had to wait until their twent