The Truth Files: Donny Gillson and the Absence of Proof (Re Shills Trolls Slander DMCA)

2013-07-11 69

I for one, have lost count of just how many times Donny Gillson has proclaimed to have proof of this, that and the other. To date, he has never provided any... just incoherent nonsense. However, on January 6th 2013, Donny, on air and rather idiotically, made a series of repugnant allegations to which he claimed to have documentary evidence. This video is a response and asks, as many of my videos have, that Donny actually publish this proof as I and others would very much like to see it. Heck... I even think his followers might like to see it too so maybe they should ask him also.

Here are links that you will find useful:

If you really want to know the truth about astronomy and especially all those pseudoscience fearmongers out there, then this is the place to go. If you listened to Donny's radio broadcast then you will have heard him endorse it so why not go see:

You'll have to find his 'radioblog' for yourselves I'm afraid as I refuse to promote dross.

This link will take you straight to the information on Donny:

This link will take you to Donny's 'Open Letter to YouTube' which was posted on the Before its' News website, where he himself states the reason his (first) YouTube account was terminated:

However, should the above mysteriously vanish from Before it's News, then you will find a transcript of his letter at the following links:

This link will also add a little insight into why his three channels were terminated:

To Donny directly...

Let's see this proof. Don't just say you have it - let everyone see it and the information about child grooming I suggest you pass to the police as a matter of urgency. Of course if they find out that you have made it all up... we'll there will be consequences. So again, post the proof. You say we are shills, trolls and a load of other really idiotic things. IF SO - PROVE IT.

I, the others, and your followers... we're all waiting.