Jul 11 - Homily: St. Veronica Giuliani and Marian Consecration

2013-07-11 196

Today we celebrate one of the greatest mystics of the Church, St. Veronica Giuliani. Fr. Benedict shows how her rapid ascent into sanctity was connected to her generous living out of a corredemptive spirituality similar to Our Lady, and she was able to live this out by a deep union with our Lady which in our age is known as Marian Consecration.
Catechesis from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on St. Veronica
St Veronica's Faceblook Page???
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Veronica Giuliani - 3rd Cl - Form:EF, Dilexisti
1st: 2co 10:17-18; 11:1-2
Gsp: mat 25:1-13
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