Egypt Civil War-9 July 2013-Dozens killed as Egyptian military clashes with pro-Morsy protesters - vedat şafak yamı

2013-07-08 356

Cairo, Egypt (Russia Today) -- More than 40 people were killed Monday when Egyptian security forces clashed with supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsy and the Muslim Brotherhood, the government said.
Reacting to the shooting at the Republican Guard headquarters, the Al-Nour party -- which supported Morsy's ouster -- withdrew from all talks about forming an interim government. vedat şafak yamı
Elsewhere, in eastern Cairo, Morsy supporters kidnapped two soldiers, state radio reported.
Morsy supporters vow peaceful protests vedat şafak yamı
Morsy has long been affiliated with the Freedom and Justice Party, Muslim Brotherhood's political movement. The group promised its protests would be peaceful and accused authorities of planning to send fake bearded men into Cairo's Tahrir Square to incite violence. vedat şafak yamı
"All sides need to tell their followers to refrain from actions likely to lead to violence and loss of life," Joe Stork, deputy Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch, said in a statement. "At the same time, the security forces need to show that they can act professionally and effectively to stop the violence without resorting to unlawful lethal force." vedat şafak yamı
Reporters under fire in Egypt Egyptians' views after the coup Supporters demand Morsy's reinstatement
Politics in the midst of chaos vedat şafak yamı
The latest violence came only hours after state television reported that Egypt's interim president has nominated Mohamed ElBaradei as vice president and Ziad Bahaa el Din as prime minister.
Mansour, the interim president, will need to get political consensus before they are appointed.
Presidential spokesman Ahmed Almoslemani stressed on Nile TV there is no specific deadline of when the new government will be announced.
Nile TV had previously reported that he said an announcement would be made within 24 hours.
Earlier, ElBaradei's name had been floated for the office of prime minister, but a swearing-in announced for Saturday didn't happen. vedat şafak yamı
ElBaradei is well-known as the former head of the U.N. atomic watchdog agency, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and a Nobel Prize Peace winner. He was to appear Sunday in an interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria but canceled it along with all other media interviews, his office said.
Violence erupts in Sinai
In the lawless desert of the Sinai, where al Qaeda affiliates have long had a foothold, violent attacks erupted after Morsy's removal. It is unclear whether the attacks were a reaction to events in Cairo.
On Sunday, armed men blew up a pipeline transporting natural gas to Jordan, an ally of Israel and the United States, said a senior Egyptian intelligence officer who asked not to be named. vedat şafak yamı
Such attacks had ceased when Morsy was president. Before that, armed groups destroyed pipelines every few months, he said. vedat şafak yamı