GianMaria Testa - Men At Work (2013 New Album Presentation)

2013-07-08 1

New and live album october 2013 released on Chant du Monde
produced by Paola Farinetti Fuorivia produzioni
Enregistré au THÉÂTRE LE SÉMAPHORE -- Port de Bouc
Réalisation Synaps production

Les grandes voix, celles qui vous imprègnent et ne vous lâchent plus, ne sont pas celles qui font assaut de prouesses techniques ; ce sont celles qui, portées à leur plus juste degré d'humanité, témoignent de ce cheminement secret entre l'âme profonde qui les a vues naître et le vaste monde qui les reçoit. Telle est la voix de Gianmaria Testa. Dans le délicat mélange de chanson, de jazz, de rythmes latins ou de sonorités rock qui la soutient, elle exhale un parfum unique et troublant, où l'inouï le dispute étroitement au familier. Les chansons de ce double album ont été enregistrées pendant une tournée qui a emmené le Quartet dans les salles de concert d'Allemagne, d'Autriche et du Luxembourg.

Song is not just sound: it also encompasses an ephemeral, all-pervasive scent – that sometimes drives us to distraction. Its poetic chemistry draws firstly on the singer’s private truths: it then burgeons as it pulses through the air, bursting into flame as it comes into contact with the outside world, feeding on the energy of its listeners. Great voices, the kind which get under your skin and never let you forget them, are not those which scale great technical heights; they are those which, honed to the most accurate possible degree of human feeling, reveal the secret path they travel from the very depths of the soul which produced them out into the wide world where they are received.

Such is Gianmaria Testa’s voice.

In the way it is underpinned by a subtle mix of French chanson, jazz, Latino rhythms and hints of rock music, it gives off a unique, disturbing scent, combining familiar and unheard-of elements which vie for our attention. Listening to it for the first time, and hearing the melodies and the texts which are its vehicle, is like the rare experience of making a strangely familiar discovery