Brother, sister, let me serve you - Chris Lawton at Freethorpe Methodist Church, Norfolk

2013-07-06 1

Another of me playing the splendid 2 manual 3 rank Compton 'Miniatura' organ installed at Freethorpe Methodist Church near Acle, Norfolk.

Im playing the lovely worship song 'Brother, sister, let me serve you' to the tune 'The Servant Song' from the new Methodist hymn book 'Singing the Faith'.

Many thanks to the church stewards for allowing me access to this superb little Compton organ.

For more information on the John Compton Organ Company Ltd and to see me play other Compton organs, please click on the following link for my site dedicated to the John Compton Organ Company Ltd:

REQUEST: I am always on the lookout for Compton organs to play - particularly electrones - so if you know of any churches which still have these then please do let me know. I will happily give a donation or pay any applicable room hire charge.