3d Projection Mapping on Building of PTV & Large Screen at PTV (Pakistan's state channel)

2013-07-04 2

VISYS INQUIRY: 92 322 9421222

Suit # 1, 3rd floor, City Centre, F-7 Markaz,
Zip Code 44000, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Tel: +92 51 2655747-9, Fax: +92 51 2652264
2nd Floor, 88 Commercial Plaza
Cavalry Ground, Lahore Cantt, Pakistan.
Tel: +92 42 36619725
VISYS Perform a Demo at Pakistan's State TV Channel. It is a short video and it is only to clear the concept of 3d Projection Mapping & Stacking of multiple projectors to project one large image. The other purpose of the demo is to check the impact of High Ambient Light on Screen and its Result on Camera. Visys proves to have a superb result on camera despite of high ambient light. All studio lights were placed along with professional cameras used by state tv channel of Pakistan. "PTV HOME"
VISYS is working on introducing new and creative techniques of VISUAL SYSTEMS or SOLUTIONS. Let them be INDOOR or OUTDOOR, FLAT, CURVED, ROUND or ROUGH, VISYS can create a solution for people who are intrigued by Innovative visual solutions.
The Video is also Available at http://vimeo.com/69674728