Supporters of Morsi angry after army decision to oust president

2013-07-04 110

STORY: Supporters of Egypt's ousted Muslim Brotherhood said that Wednesday night's announcement by the armed forces of a political transition amounted to a "military coup" against the democratically-elected President.

Scores of President Mohamed Mursi's supporters continued their days-old rally in Cairo, with crowds waving their shoes as a sign of disrespect to the military and chanting anti-military slogans.

The Egyptian army overthrew the Islamist President earlier in the day and announced a political transition, after massive protests over three days by a wide range of political, religious and youth leaders.

But leaders of Mursi's Muslim Brotherhood party decried the day's developments, including Mohamed al-Baltagi who said the move was an opportunity for the political opposition to reject "dialogue and democratic change through parliamentary elections.''

Several hundred soldiers with armored vehicles staged a parade near the presidential palace, and security

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