Hair Tattoo Tutorial: Cure Baldness and Stop Hair Loss

2013-07-03 2

Learn more hair loss prevention techniques at

Many men and women suffer from thinning hair, baldness, deep receding hairline and sudden hair loss. While reasons for these problems could be different, the fact is... losing hair is frustrating.

One of the hair loss prevention technique that is very popular right now is hair simulation and hair tattooing. It not only helps to cure baldness but it is also a great way of covering up head that may have transplant scars.

In this cosmetology education tutorial, Cheryl Rosenblum demonstrates how hair tattooing is done on a clients' head.

I hope this video makes you aware about a procedure that you can recommend to your clients who wish to cure baldness, prevent thinning hair or stop hair loss. If you like it, please hit 'Like' and share it with your hairstylists friends.

To learn more about hair simulation, hair transplant and strategies to cure baldness, visit