Company Debuts Wine Flavored Popcorn

2013-07-03 71

A New York City based company has created a new edition in the form of wine flavored popcorn.

There’s nothing better than popcorn loaded with butter, right? Well... maybe.

One New York City based company called Populence has taken things further in the form of wine flavored popcorn.

They partnered with Kim Crawford wine to establish the concoction. It is described as luxury popcorn, meant as a weekend treat rather than an everyday snack.

The company packages the popcorn in a metal tin divided into two sections. One side holds a Pinot Noir Drizzle flavor while the other contains a Sauvignon Blanc Lemon edition, meaning wine-lovers have a choice. The different flavors also give the popcorn varying appearances, one dark, the other yellow.

The tin also comes with two types of wine, each meant to be paired with one of the divided, edible treats. Marketed as artisan popcorn, it is gluten-free and vegan.

Although indulgers can’t get buzzed off the popcorn alone and it can’t currently be bought in theaters, the snack is definitely a novel way to munch on the ever-popular snack. highlight to evenings at home.