Adam Kirby, a 2-year-old with an IQ of 141, has been invited to join Mensa, the exclusive club of the super smart.
Adam Kirby, a UK 2-year-old with an IQ of 141, has been invited to join Mensa, the exclusive club of the super smart. Falling just four points short of genius, his score was still comfortably over the group’s minimum requirements.
At 29 months, the boy is able to spell about a hundred words and do most of the times tables up to 10. He also knows the periodic table and all of the planets.
Adam’s father said that he and his wife have been developing Adam’s intellectual skills since the boy was 10 weeks old.
It seems to have paid off as, according to dad, “While most children are just learning to stand up or crawl Adam was reading books. His development was just mind-blowingly quick.”
Mr. Kirby admits that both he and the Mrs. are bright, but that their son is far more advanced than they were at his age.
Adams welcome into Mensa makes him the second youngest British inductee to the organization. The youngest was offered admission at 2 years and four months of age.