Jeenifer Aniston shocked when she bumped over old love.

2013-06-27 50

Jeenifer Aniston shocked when she bumped over old love.

The old love appears with pain. It is saying but old love aggravates old intense, intimate relation, has been noticed in an US Award Function when Hollywood Jennifer Aniston has seen her old boy friend Vince Voughan…
Recently Jennifer Aniston and newly boy friend Justin Theroux purchased a 23 milion dollar luxurious bungalow and after renovation, both Jennifer and Justin entered into pompous love castle and they both would go for nuptial knot soon. But in this award function, Jennifer could not control herself and bumped into him as if Jennifer Aniston has found her lost love Vince Vaugan. This may have shocked to her newly boy friend in living- relation and he is none other than Justin…
Aniston Jeennifer herself is stunned and awe for her bizarre impulsive behavior. But She quickly hid her smile and expressed hello…
However, this stunning and scintillating behavior may have given great bump to Justin. This small fire may plunge their relation into a burning fire ….ANISTON MUST FORGET HER PAST LOVY-DOVY..!!

Please watch out,,,