Crows in the United Kingdom are taking the place of alarm clocks. Homeowners in a neighborhood of Cambridgeshire are complaining after waking to the sounds of crows attacking vehicle’s windows, side mirrors and hoods.
Can crows be better than roosters at wake up calls?
Homeowners in a neighborhood of Cambridgeshire are complaining after waking to the sounds of crows attacking vehicle’s windows, side mirrors and hoods. Thus far, the birds seem to be targeting dark colored cars in black, grey and blue
A local male resident claimed that he previously owned a red car and the crows never once pecked it. Apparently the birds attack after seeing a clear reflection on the cars, meaning they mistake the image of themselves for other birds.
A spokesperson for the British Trust for Ornithology elaborates stating “You can see a really good reflection in a black car, and around the breeding season, they think they see an intruder - a crow that wants to take over their territory - and they're trying to drive it off.”
Once crows start pecking their own reflective images, there’s no telling how long the behavior could last. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds recommends installing a non-reflective cellophane on windows.