I get asked this questions alot so I wanted to make a quick video showing everyone how to show or hide the file extersions on a Mac.
Who is Johnathan Mark Smith: I am the Chief Information Officer & Founder of StutteringTech and SINY-RealEstate and Our Consulting services has over 25 years experience, specializing in business technology in the areas of web application development and collaborative computing. We only use leading technologies such as Android, Springs, JSP's, Servlets, XML, Java, Struts, PHP, LDAP and Web Application Servers. We have a very solid background with Java, OOP, Design-Patterns and Multi-Threading. We also have the able to interface with all levels of management.
If you have any questions or would like me to cover a tip please find me on twitter @JohnathanMSmith
Please checkout my website for more tips, tricks and information..
Science & Technology