John Kerry in Doha for "Friends of Syria" meeting

2013-06-22 150

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry arrives in Doha, Qatar on Saturday, to meet with foreign ministers for the so-called "Friends of Syria" session.

The group represents countries which support the Syrian rebels fighting against President Bashar al-Assad and his regime. It will be attended by foreign ministers from the 11 countries making up the core of the pro-rebel alliance, including France, the United States, Britain, Egypt and Saudi Arabia,

U.S. President Barack Obama decided a week ago to provide military aid to the rebels, citing the Assad government's alleged use of chemical weapons.

His decision has drawn criticism from Moscow, however, with Russian President Vladimir Putin cautioning on Friday that Syrian rebel forces included "terrorist" groups, and that any swift exit by President Assad would leave a dangerous power vacuum.

Putin defended his own country's arms sales to the embattled Syrian government as "entirely legal," repeating Russia's position t

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