Best Adderall Alternative and Natural Stimulant Pill

2013-06-22 1

This best natural energy boosters OTC in a legal supplement stack. Many people think negatively about dietary supplements because most of the time they are ineffective.

I have done research on herbal energy supplements and brain enhancers that are in this legal alternative category and while many people would just buy something based on how it is advertised I need the real thing. These ingredients definitely work and each supplement has a high dose of MG's.

The total number of ingredients in Addrena is 15 with energy stimulants being 4 of them. The herbal energy stimulants Guarana, Yohimbe, Vitamin B12, and Bitter Orange are all at appropriate and safe doses which is why when stacked together you can really feel these best natural energy supplements. To make the energy stimulants even stronger there are other ingredients like Tyrosine and ALCAR added to Addrena that make it an effective energy stimulant supplement.

This product is helpful for those with Inattention issues because it is similar to illegal stimulants but not quite as strong. I used to take Adderall not for ADD but just for the energy boost which is what this legal alternative OTC does as well but in a safe and natural way. This top natural energy Booster lasts me a long time because it contains 60 tablets in a bottle. I have not found another supplement that compares to this.