After dumping ally BJP, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Wednesday (June 19) comfortably won a vote of confidence in his government in the Bihar Assembly amid signals of a new political alignment as Congress backed the motion. A total of 126 votes, including four of Congress and one of CPI, were cast in favour of the confidence motion while 24, including 22 of Lalu Prasad led RJD, voted against the motion as BJP members staged a walkout before the vote. Those who voted in favour of the motion included ruling JD(U)'s 117 and four Independents. Besides RJD's 22 MLAs, two Independents also opposed the motion.
In a debate moderated by TIMES NOW's Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami, panelists -- Dr Ajay Alok, General Secy, JD (U); Sanjay Jha, Spokesperson, Congress; Vani Tripathi, National Secy, BJP and Rahul Narwekar, Spokesperson, Shiv Sena -- discuss whether, by bailing out Nitish Kumar in the critical vote today, is the Congress putting together a new secular front.