Flying Bicycle Prototype Successfully Takes Off

2013-06-20 1,027

Three companies in the Czech Republic have created a prototype for an electric soaring bike. During the initial test, the bike was successfully able to lift, change direction, hover and land.

The bicycle hasn't seen much innovation in the past several decades. However, three Czech Republic companies want to change that and have created a prototype for an electric soaring bike.

Called the F-bike, the two wheeled cycle is controlled by crew members holding a remote control.

A video featuring the bike showed a human sized dummy sitting on it, basically floating in the air. The entire scene is reminiscent of the movie E.T.

Because the cycle weighs over 200 pounds, it can only fly for about 5 minutes. During the initial test, the bike was successfully able to lift, change direction, hover and land.

Utilizing six attached propellers, the flying bicycle was also made possible by six battery powered engines. Duratec is one company behind the prototype.

The technical director of the company stated “Because the capacity of batteries doubles about every 10 years, we can expect that in the future the capacity would be enough for the bike to be used for sports, tourism or similar things.